Originally developed for his run of performances as an audience favorite on NBC’s iconic America’s Got Talent, these acclaimed spectacles of extraordinary visual impact have since taken Mochi around the world to perform on TV showcases, competition shows, and at corporate and private events.The galaxy of multimedia juggling in two minutes: concise, riveting spectacles designed to wow audiences and judges alike.

Act duration: 90 seconds - 3 minutes per act

[Selected Performance History]

USA – NBC “America’s Got Talent” (Audition/competition; quarterfinalist)

Italy – Canale 5 “Tu Si Que Vales” (Audition program; showcase artist)

Germany – RTL “Das Supertalent” (Audition program; showcase artist)

Japan – Nippon TV  “Sekai no Hate Made Itte Q!” (Showcase artist)

Japan – Nippon TV “Waratte Koraete” (Performance feature & interview)